Apparently some women were turned away for wearing flat shoes instead of high heels at the film festival Cannes. If true this is pretty bad considering that this 'rule' is only directed at women. Especially when we appear to be moving forward in other aspects of women in film such as the festival opening with a female directed film for the first time in 28 years. I wonder if there were alternative motives behind the women being turned away or if any men have been turned away for wearing trainers?
“Everyone should wear flats, to be honest. We shouldn’t wear high heels,” said Blunt, when asked about the controversy at the Sicario press conference. “That’s very disappointing, just when you kind of think there are these new waves of equality.” Sicariodirector Denis Villeneuve joked that he and Blunt’s co-stars, Benicio del Toro and Josh Brolin, would wear high heels to the premiere in solidarity. Del Toro then mimed wobbling along the red carpet from his seat. Also critical of the dress code was Asif Kapadia, director of the Amy Winehouse documentary, Amy, which premiered in Cannes last week. Kapadia tweeted that his wife had initially been denied entry to the screening because of her footwear, but was eventually allowed in.