I recently watched part of Fear Itself but could not get through all of it as it seriously freaked me out. But it was pretty amazing to watch, largely because it was a feature-length montage of classic horror film clips mashed together along with music from Jeremy Warmsley which you can listen to on the Little White Lies website, linked below. It you watch the doc with the sound off, it is pretty easy to watch apart from some bloody parts, but with the music, like I said, I could not finish because I was so scared. I think I must be about 2/3 of the way through, I will definetly watch the last 3rd when I'm feeling more brave. Probably on a Saturday morning will all the curtains wide open.
“When you think about horror soundtracks, it’s easy to remember only the showboaters – those pieces of music that impose themselves so wholly on a scene that the images they’re paired with become almost secondary. I guess ‘The Murder’ from Bernard Hermann’s Psycho score is the most famous example. But just as interesting, I think, are those horror soundscapes that operate on a more subliminal level, constantly probing the viewer with delicate sounds that are impossible to dislocate from the images they accompany. Jeremy’s score weaves that tapestry elegantly – and over a constantly changing collage of images – though of course, it doesn’t deny itself the occasional spot of showboating either.”