Star Wars is only 16 days away and I've been trying to stay away from potential 'spoilers' but this piece of news it particularly uplifting.
JJ Abrams has said that this Star Wars film will be much more female-friendly than the previous Star Wars films. (Can't actually name a female character apart from Leia from the original trilogy...) Lets hope more blockbuster films start to follow in the footsteps.
Speaking on US show Good Morning America, Abrams echoed previous suggestions by Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy, the new episode’s main producer, that the latest Star Wars movie would place more emphasis on female characters. “Star Wars was always a boys’ thing, and a movie that dads could take their sons to,” he said. “And although that is still very much the case, I was really hoping this could be a movie that mothers could take their daughters to as well.”