I got Gwyneth Paltrow... not sure how I feel about that or that I was entirely honest in my BBC's 'who would play you in a movie' quiz answers. During all this award season mayhem (Baftas were last night) I would want Brie Larson to play me! She seems pretty much unstoppable this year winning best actress for her role in brilliant film Room at multiple awards. I will have my fingers crossed for her at the Oscars too.
We’re not insinuating you have a parallel life like Gwyneth’s ‘Helen’ in Sliding Doors, its more that you have a lot going on. Whether it’s work, money worries or your love life (or all three in Helen’s case) and you’re often quite pre-occupied. You have a no-nonsense, brisk attitude, like ‘Pepper Potts’ in Iron Man and love to excel in everything you do, preferring to do it alone.