If your dream day out in Oxford is to meet Shia LaBeouf in a lift you are in luck! Today is your lucky day, LaBeouf will be in the lift for a total for 24 hours from Friday to Saturday morning.
Or if you don't fancy waiting two hours to do that you could watch him on a livestream on YouTube.
Actor Shia LaBeouf is occupying a lift in Oxford with two other performance artists for 24 hours as part of his latest project. LaBeouf will also be appearing along with his art collaborators Nastja Säde Rönkkö and Luke Turner at the Oxford Union on Friday evening. A statement from the union said the trio will be occupying the elevator at EC Oxford, an English-language course centre in Gloucester Green, for a 24-hour stint ending at 9am on Saturday. They will leave the elevator for their talk on Friday but will return afterwards.