A Back to the Future fan has been clocked speeding his DeLorean at 88mph in Essex. Nigel Mills, 55, who paid £22,000 for his cult vehicle, denied that he had been attempting to break the space-time continuum in his efforts. In the 1985 film, Marty McFly (Michael J Fox) manages to transport himself back to 1955 after hitting 88mph in the machine invented by Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd). “I wasn’t trying to time travel,” said Mills, despite his top speed being recorded as 89mph, heading north on the A12 near Margaretting. “It was at 11am on Sunday and the road was completely clear.
Was this man trying to time travel in his DeLorean?
I love Back to the Future - who doesn't? Nigel Mills maybe likes Back to the Future a little too much having been caught speeding at just over 88 mph in his Delorean.
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